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Join us in our efforts to protect school children from rising temperatures!


  The purpose of this electronic survey is for improved communication, collaboration, tracking, and evaluation within the Pilot phase of the HeatReady School Tool. 

  Complete this survey for your school's first evaluation of heat readiness levels. Once your school has begun implementing actions, please retake this survey once per semester so that your school, and your partners at ASU, can easily track your progress. 

  The future of HeatReady Schools will benefit if given information on the process of implementing HeatReady Schools on your school's grounds (i.e. your school's progress on scores!)


  1. Download the HeatReady School Tool (electronic) (printable)
  2. Begin the electronic survey and score your school (it will be helpful to refer to your downloaded Tool while filling out this survey). 
    1. NOTE: questions that include "(#)" are correlated to the electronic Tool's list of resources as footnotes [ex: (2)].
    2. If you feel appropriate, you can add notes in your downloaded Tool while completing the survey
  3. Once you've completed this electronic survey, open your Tool and Tree to begin filling out your goals (timeline) and prioritizing/organizing actions. 
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